StyleLight News – JAGUAR F-PACE & Auto Hibernate

By 2017-05-26 News

We are happy to announce that StyleLight now supports the stunning JAGUAR F-PACE.

It’s as easy as ever to start the demo mode on the JAGUAR F-PACE. Just connect the StyleLight to the OBDII connector and wait 30 seconds and the F-PACE is ready for the showroom.

We have also added a new feature called “AUTO HIBERNATE”.
With this function you don’t have to set any time when the car should go to “sleep”, for example when the store is closed, the StyleLight will take care of all this.
As soon as the lights in the showroom are turned off the StyleLight will put the car to sleep after 10 seconds.
When the store opens and the lights are turned on in the showroom the car will wake up and enter demo mode by automatic.

New firmware v3.17.6.2

Features – Jaguar

  • Added support for F-PACE MY17

Features – Volvo Cars

  • Added vehicle option AUTO HIBERNATE for:

If your device doesn’t have a GOLD License or if it has expired, please go to our web shop for purchase of GOLD license.

See StyleLight 2 for more information.