Would you like to show the vehicle functions including the ones that are only active when driving, and still have it parked inside the showroom without the key present or engine running?
The StyleLight will take full control of the vehicle with its unique communication pattern.
It will give your customer the opportunity to study, sense and play with the vehicle functions withoutkey or engine running. To give the vehicle a more personal touch the StyleLight controls the external and internal lights to make the vehicle more noticeable and give a stunning appearance.
The StyleLight is a plug and play device. All you have to do is to plug it into the OBDII connector of the vehicle, wait a couple of seconds and the vehicle will enter demo mode.
StyleLight 2R have the extra connectivity of communicating with other remote devices in the StyleLight series like the ‘StyleLight RC’
The ‘StyleLight 2’ have come to an “End-of-Life” stage and will not be supported after 2019-12-31